When your facility wastes energy, you're impacting more than just the environment; you're also hurting your profit, productivity, and people.

IAC grant amount

Unlock and maximize your facility's profit with an in-depth assessment through the Department of Energy's Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) Program.  

After the assessment, small and medium-sized manufacturing firms are eligible for grants up to $300,000 at 50% cost share. These grants are to offset the costs of implementing upgrades found in your assessment.   Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly. As a provider of IAC-equivalent assessments, Michaels Energy can complete energy audits and provide all the supporting materials needed for your grant application.

Why do I need an energy assessment?

Grant applications will only be accepted if the IAC-equivalent assessment is performed. The assessment looks at the equipment and operations within your facility to find ways to save and optimize; ultimately helping your bottom line. Once we've completed the evaluation, we'll provide you with a full report of the recommendations for improvement. This includes equipment costs, annual energy savings, annual non-energy savings, and payback periods. The results of the assessment are used to support your Implementation Grant application.

Minimizing waste is not just about reducing costs but building a sustainable future. Our team works closely with your organization to implement targeted energy efficiency solutions, significantly reducing your environmental footprint while maximizing your bottom line.

IAC sample recommendation

In this example, the client is eligible to apply for an implementation grant of $65,000.

IAC steps to get started

Who's eligible for the Implementation Grants Program?

  • Entity is a manufacturer or a water/wastewater treatment facility*.
  • Gross annual sales of less than $100 million in the most recently completed fiscal year
  • Annual energy bills between $100,000 and $3.5 million
  • Fewer than 500 employees at the assessed plant

 For more information on eligibility and review criteria for the implementation grants, visit the Energywerx website.

*The following NAICS codes are eligible 31-33, 1114, 22131, and 22132. Unsure if you qualify? Just ask us!

Contact Us!

Fill out the form blow to schedule a consultation and discover how an assessment can maximize the value of your facility.

Under the field How Can We Help You, select Question about Services, then IAC Assessment. Thank you!

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